If you enjoy watching movies, you can have a good time in Japan! The above is the sign and name of the Mint Kobe building near Sannomiya JR Station. At the 9th floor you can find the movie theater. On the 7th and 8th floor there are some restaurant and the remaining part of the building is a shopping center.

I always go on the "Movie-day", twice per month, on the 1st and on the 16th. On those days, it costs only 1000 yen (normal price is 1800 yen). Lately they had some movies in 3D, like Avatar that was really nice, but for 3D movies there is an additional service fee of 300 yen.
On "Movie Days" I go usually around 2 PM after school, and book a ticket for the 6PM show. At which time, I can still choose the seat i like. If the 1st or 16th is on staturday or sunday the movie theater is really full! When i went to watch Avatar, I could manage to get one of the latest tickets, even though i went there few hours in advance.
To find out more, check the official website here!
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