The above is the Test voucher that is an identification sheet as well. Even though we had to bring another identity document, nobody asked for it. The test started at 9:45 and we finished at 14:35. It was not too intensive. Even tough the time frame is almost 6 hours, the test itself took about a little more than 2 hours. The remaining time were breaks, lunch and preparation. Before starting the test, it takes about 15 minutes. During that time, they check identities, we get booklets and answer sheets and wait for the actual test to begin.
One of the think that I could appreciate the best, was the Audio system. Very clear and crisp sound. You can see the big speakers at the front. When I took the level 4 in switzerland 2 years ago, they used a normal radio player which was barely audible.
Even though there will be some more little tests at school before the winter holidays, at least the biggest one is now behind :)
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